The Connecticut for Leiberman Party has new blood!

John Mertens  has agreed to become the new chair of the Connecticut for Lieberman Party.

John Mertens shown here accepting the Chairpersonship from John Orman.

The Connecticut for Lieberman Party has asked for the Senator’s resignation,

which brought us to the attention of Wall Street Journal, who mentioned us under the byline “Bottom Stories of the Day”.

The Party’s Over

From the (Bridgeport) Connecticut Post, another story that reads like something out of the Onion:

Connecticut for Lieberman Party Chairman John Orman called Tuesday for Sen. Joe Lieberman to resign, saying his advocacy of a military strike against Iran could explode into a global conflict.

We have requested that the Connecticut Secretary of State investigate whether Senator Lieberman knowingly circulated a false petition in his Senate race against Ned Lamont:  

(Secretary of State Susan Bysiewicz’s response):

“Believe me, I know there are people who feel very frustrated with Senator Lieberman’s choices because we hear from them every day in our office,” Bysiewicz said Wednesday. But “the next time people will have the opportunity to opine on Mr. Lieberman’s candidacy will be in 2012.”

However, a new generation has agreed to carry the torch.

The Connecticut for Lieberman Party has voted to endorse Barack Obama.

We have elected new officers:

Party Chair: John Mertens

Party Treasurer: Tomoyo Wakamatsu

Party Secretary: Mark Friedman

Two additional State Central Committee members:

Paul Borucki

Ann Marie Krupski

Parliamentarian: Mark Friedman

We have elected Candidates for State Representative

1st District: Mark Friedman

4th District: Bryce Snarski-Pierce

20th District: John Mertens

29th District: Tomoyo Wakamatsu

90th District: Peter Votto

We have new members:

All of our members are aware that our Senator has voted  for the FISA Amendments Act of 2007 (S. 2248) to protect telecoms:

Some of our new officers:

Our new website has a Pay Pal account, to assist in the continuation of the party’s political action.

2 thoughts on “The Connecticut for Leiberman Party has new blood!”

  1. four of the seats were unopposed and held by Democrats in 2006.

    The 29th district had a Dem v. Working Families matchup.

    So, at least they’re not picking candidates who’ll be spoilers in Dem/Rep matchups. Granted, the Connecticut state government is not totally flipping to the Republicans.

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